- class elasticsearch.client.CatClient(client)
- Parameters:
client (BaseClient)
- aliases(*, name=None, error_trace=None, expand_wildcards=None, filter_path=None, format=None, h=None, help=None, human=None, local=None, master_timeout=None, pretty=None, s=None, v=None)
Get aliases. Retrieves the cluster’s index aliases, including filter and routing information. The API does not return data stream aliases. CAT APIs are only intended for human consumption using the command line or the Kibana console. They are not intended for use by applications. For application consumption, use the aliases API.
- Parameters:
name (str | Sequence[str] | None) – A comma-separated list of aliases to retrieve. Supports wildcards (*). To retrieve all aliases, omit this parameter or use * or _all.
expand_wildcards (Sequence[str | Literal['all', 'closed', 'hidden', 'none', 'open']] | str | ~typing.Literal['all', 'closed', 'hidden', 'none', 'open'] | None) – Whether to expand wildcard expression to concrete indices that are open, closed or both.
format (str | None) – Specifies the format to return the columnar data in, can be set to text, json, cbor, yaml, or smile.
h (str | Sequence[str] | None) – List of columns to appear in the response. Supports simple wildcards.
help (bool | None) – When set to true will output available columns. This option can’t be combined with any other query string option.
local (bool | None) – If true, the request computes the list of selected nodes from the local cluster state. If false the list of selected nodes are computed from the cluster state of the master node. In both cases the coordinating node will send requests for further information to each selected node.
master_timeout (str | Literal[-1] | ~typing.Literal[0] | None) – Period to wait for a connection to the master node.
s (str | Sequence[str] | None) – List of columns that determine how the table should be sorted. Sorting defaults to ascending and can be changed by setting :asc or :desc as a suffix to the column name.
v (bool | None) – When set to true will enable verbose output.
error_trace (bool | None)
human (bool | None)
pretty (bool | None)
- Return type:
- allocation(*, node_id=None, bytes=None, error_trace=None, filter_path=None, format=None, h=None, help=None, human=None, local=None, master_timeout=None, pretty=None, s=None, v=None)
Provides a snapshot of the number of shards allocated to each data node and their disk space. IMPORTANT: cat APIs are only intended for human consumption using the command line or Kibana console. They are not intended for use by applications.
- Parameters:
node_id (str | Sequence[str] | None) – Comma-separated list of node identifiers or names used to limit the returned information.
bytes (str | Literal['b', 'gb', 'kb', 'mb', 'pb', 'tb'] | None) – The unit used to display byte values.
format (str | None) – Specifies the format to return the columnar data in, can be set to text, json, cbor, yaml, or smile.
h (str | Sequence[str] | None) – List of columns to appear in the response. Supports simple wildcards.
help (bool | None) – When set to true will output available columns. This option can’t be combined with any other query string option.
local (bool | None) – If true, the request computes the list of selected nodes from the local cluster state. If false the list of selected nodes are computed from the cluster state of the master node. In both cases the coordinating node will send requests for further information to each selected node.
master_timeout (str | Literal[-1] | ~typing.Literal[0] | None) – Period to wait for a connection to the master node.
s (str | Sequence[str] | None) – List of columns that determine how the table should be sorted. Sorting defaults to ascending and can be changed by setting :asc or :desc as a suffix to the column name.
v (bool | None) – When set to true will enable verbose output.
error_trace (bool | None)
human (bool | None)
pretty (bool | None)
- Return type:
- component_templates(*, name=None, error_trace=None, filter_path=None, format=None, h=None, help=None, human=None, local=None, master_timeout=None, pretty=None, s=None, v=None)
Get component templates. Returns information about component templates in a cluster. Component templates are building blocks for constructing index templates that specify index mappings, settings, and aliases. CAT APIs are only intended for human consumption using the command line or Kibana console. They are not intended for use by applications. For application consumption, use the get component template API.
- Parameters:
name (str | None) – The name of the component template. Accepts wildcard expressions. If omitted, all component templates are returned.
format (str | None) – Specifies the format to return the columnar data in, can be set to text, json, cbor, yaml, or smile.
h (str | Sequence[str] | None) – List of columns to appear in the response. Supports simple wildcards.
help (bool | None) – When set to true will output available columns. This option can’t be combined with any other query string option.
local (bool | None) – If true, the request computes the list of selected nodes from the local cluster state. If false the list of selected nodes are computed from the cluster state of the master node. In both cases the coordinating node will send requests for further information to each selected node.
master_timeout (str | Literal[-1] | ~typing.Literal[0] | None) – Period to wait for a connection to the master node.
s (str | Sequence[str] | None) – List of columns that determine how the table should be sorted. Sorting defaults to ascending and can be changed by setting :asc or :desc as a suffix to the column name.
v (bool | None) – When set to true will enable verbose output.
error_trace (bool | None)
human (bool | None)
pretty (bool | None)
- Return type:
- count(*, index=None, error_trace=None, filter_path=None, format=None, h=None, help=None, human=None, pretty=None, s=None, v=None)
Get a document count. Provides quick access to a document count for a data stream, an index, or an entire cluster. The document count only includes live documents, not deleted documents which have not yet been removed by the merge process. CAT APIs are only intended for human consumption using the command line or Kibana console. They are not intended for use by applications. For application consumption, use the count API.
- Parameters:
index (str | Sequence[str] | None) – Comma-separated list of data streams, indices, and aliases used to limit the request. Supports wildcards (*). To target all data streams and indices, omit this parameter or use * or _all.
format (str | None) – Specifies the format to return the columnar data in, can be set to text, json, cbor, yaml, or smile.
h (str | Sequence[str] | None) – List of columns to appear in the response. Supports simple wildcards.
help (bool | None) – When set to true will output available columns. This option can’t be combined with any other query string option.
s (str | Sequence[str] | None) – List of columns that determine how the table should be sorted. Sorting defaults to ascending and can be changed by setting :asc or :desc as a suffix to the column name.
v (bool | None) – When set to true will enable verbose output.
error_trace (bool | None)
human (bool | None)
pretty (bool | None)
- Return type:
- fielddata(*, fields=None, bytes=None, error_trace=None, filter_path=None, format=None, h=None, help=None, human=None, pretty=None, s=None, v=None)
Returns the amount of heap memory currently used by the field data cache on every data node in the cluster. IMPORTANT: cat APIs are only intended for human consumption using the command line or Kibana console. They are not intended for use by applications. For application consumption, use the nodes stats API.
- Parameters:
fields (str | Sequence[str] | None) – Comma-separated list of fields used to limit returned information. To retrieve all fields, omit this parameter.
bytes (str | Literal['b', 'gb', 'kb', 'mb', 'pb', 'tb'] | None) – The unit used to display byte values.
format (str | None) – Specifies the format to return the columnar data in, can be set to text, json, cbor, yaml, or smile.
h (str | Sequence[str] | None) – List of columns to appear in the response. Supports simple wildcards.
help (bool | None) – When set to true will output available columns. This option can’t be combined with any other query string option.
s (str | Sequence[str] | None) – List of columns that determine how the table should be sorted. Sorting defaults to ascending and can be changed by setting :asc or :desc as a suffix to the column name.
v (bool | None) – When set to true will enable verbose output.
error_trace (bool | None)
human (bool | None)
pretty (bool | None)
- Return type:
- health(*, error_trace=None, filter_path=None, format=None, h=None, help=None, human=None, pretty=None, s=None, time=None, ts=None, v=None)
Returns the health status of a cluster, similar to the cluster health API. IMPORTANT: cat APIs are only intended for human consumption using the command line or Kibana console. They are not intended for use by applications. For application consumption, use the cluster health API. This API is often used to check malfunctioning clusters. To help you track cluster health alongside log files and alerting systems, the API returns timestamps in two formats: HH:MM:SS, which is human-readable but includes no date information; Unix epoch time, which is machine-sortable and includes date information. The latter format is useful for cluster recoveries that take multiple days. You can use the cat health API to verify cluster health across multiple nodes. You also can use the API to track the recovery of a large cluster over a longer period of time.
- Parameters:
format (str | None) – Specifies the format to return the columnar data in, can be set to text, json, cbor, yaml, or smile.
h (str | Sequence[str] | None) – List of columns to appear in the response. Supports simple wildcards.
help (bool | None) – When set to true will output available columns. This option can’t be combined with any other query string option.
s (str | Sequence[str] | None) – List of columns that determine how the table should be sorted. Sorting defaults to ascending and can be changed by setting :asc or :desc as a suffix to the column name.
time (str | Literal['d', 'h', 'm', 'micros', 'ms', 'nanos', 's'] | None) – The unit used to display time values.
ts (bool | None) – If true, returns HH:MM:SS and Unix epoch timestamps.
v (bool | None) – When set to true will enable verbose output.
error_trace (bool | None)
human (bool | None)
pretty (bool | None)
- Return type:
- help()
Get CAT help. Returns help for the CAT APIs.
- Return type:
- indices(*, index=None, bytes=None, error_trace=None, expand_wildcards=None, filter_path=None, format=None, h=None, health=None, help=None, human=None, include_unloaded_segments=None, master_timeout=None, pretty=None, pri=None, s=None, time=None, v=None)
Get index information. Returns high-level information about indices in a cluster, including backing indices for data streams. Use this request to get the following information for each index in a cluster: - shard count - document count - deleted document count - primary store size - total store size of all shards, including shard replicas These metrics are retrieved directly from Lucene, which Elasticsearch uses internally to power indexing and search. As a result, all document counts include hidden nested documents. To get an accurate count of Elasticsearch documents, use the cat count or count APIs. CAT APIs are only intended for human consumption using the command line or Kibana console. They are not intended for use by applications. For application consumption, use an index endpoint.
- Parameters:
index (str | Sequence[str] | None) – Comma-separated list of data streams, indices, and aliases used to limit the request. Supports wildcards (*). To target all data streams and indices, omit this parameter or use * or _all.
bytes (str | Literal['b', 'gb', 'kb', 'mb', 'pb', 'tb'] | None) – The unit used to display byte values.
expand_wildcards (Sequence[str | Literal['all', 'closed', 'hidden', 'none', 'open']] | str | ~typing.Literal['all', 'closed', 'hidden', 'none', 'open'] | None) – The type of index that wildcard patterns can match.
format (str | None) – Specifies the format to return the columnar data in, can be set to text, json, cbor, yaml, or smile.
h (str | Sequence[str] | None) – List of columns to appear in the response. Supports simple wildcards.
health (str | Literal['green', 'red', 'yellow'] | None) – The health status used to limit returned indices. By default, the response includes indices of any health status.
help (bool | None) – When set to true will output available columns. This option can’t be combined with any other query string option.
include_unloaded_segments (bool | None) – If true, the response includes information from segments that are not loaded into memory.
master_timeout (str | Literal[-1] | ~typing.Literal[0] | None) – Period to wait for a connection to the master node.
pri (bool | None) – If true, the response only includes information from primary shards.
s (str | Sequence[str] | None) – List of columns that determine how the table should be sorted. Sorting defaults to ascending and can be changed by setting :asc or :desc as a suffix to the column name.
time (str | Literal['d', 'h', 'm', 'micros', 'ms', 'nanos', 's'] | None) – The unit used to display time values.
v (bool | None) – When set to true will enable verbose output.
error_trace (bool | None)
human (bool | None)
pretty (bool | None)
- Return type:
- master(*, error_trace=None, filter_path=None, format=None, h=None, help=None, human=None, local=None, master_timeout=None, pretty=None, s=None, v=None)
Returns information about the master node, including the ID, bound IP address, and name. IMPORTANT: cat APIs are only intended for human consumption using the command line or Kibana console. They are not intended for use by applications. For application consumption, use the nodes info API.
- Parameters:
format (str | None) – Specifies the format to return the columnar data in, can be set to text, json, cbor, yaml, or smile.
h (str | Sequence[str] | None) – List of columns to appear in the response. Supports simple wildcards.
help (bool | None) – When set to true will output available columns. This option can’t be combined with any other query string option.
local (bool | None) – If true, the request computes the list of selected nodes from the local cluster state. If false the list of selected nodes are computed from the cluster state of the master node. In both cases the coordinating node will send requests for further information to each selected node.
master_timeout (str | Literal[-1] | ~typing.Literal[0] | None) – Period to wait for a connection to the master node.
s (str | Sequence[str] | None) – List of columns that determine how the table should be sorted. Sorting defaults to ascending and can be changed by setting :asc or :desc as a suffix to the column name.
v (bool | None) – When set to true will enable verbose output.
error_trace (bool | None)
human (bool | None)
pretty (bool | None)
- Return type:
- ml_data_frame_analytics(*, id=None, allow_no_match=None, bytes=None, error_trace=None, filter_path=None, format=None, h=None, help=None, human=None, pretty=None, s=None, time=None, v=None)
Get data frame analytics jobs. Returns configuration and usage information about data frame analytics jobs. CAT APIs are only intended for human consumption using the Kibana console or command line. They are not intended for use by applications. For application consumption, use the get data frame analytics jobs statistics API.
- Parameters:
id (str | None) – The ID of the data frame analytics to fetch
allow_no_match (bool | None) – Whether to ignore if a wildcard expression matches no configs. (This includes _all string or when no configs have been specified)
bytes (str | Literal['b', 'gb', 'kb', 'mb', 'pb', 'tb'] | None) – The unit in which to display byte values
format (str | None) – Specifies the format to return the columnar data in, can be set to text, json, cbor, yaml, or smile.
h (Sequence[str | Literal['assignment_explanation', 'create_time', 'description', 'dest_index', 'failure_reason', 'id', 'model_memory_limit', 'node.address', 'node.ephemeral_id', '', '', 'progress', 'source_index', 'state', 'type', 'version']] | str | ~typing.Literal['assignment_explanation', 'create_time', 'description', 'dest_index', 'failure_reason', 'id', 'model_memory_limit', 'node.address', 'node.ephemeral_id', '', '', 'progress', 'source_index', 'state', 'type', 'version'] | None) – Comma-separated list of column names to display.
help (bool | None) – When set to true will output available columns. This option can’t be combined with any other query string option.
s (Sequence[str | Literal['assignment_explanation', 'create_time', 'description', 'dest_index', 'failure_reason', 'id', 'model_memory_limit', 'node.address', 'node.ephemeral_id', '', '', 'progress', 'source_index', 'state', 'type', 'version']] | str | ~typing.Literal['assignment_explanation', 'create_time', 'description', 'dest_index', 'failure_reason', 'id', 'model_memory_limit', 'node.address', 'node.ephemeral_id', '', '', 'progress', 'source_index', 'state', 'type', 'version'] | None) – Comma-separated list of column names or column aliases used to sort the response.
time (str | Literal['d', 'h', 'm', 'micros', 'ms', 'nanos', 's'] | None) – Unit used to display time values.
v (bool | None) – When set to true will enable verbose output.
error_trace (bool | None)
human (bool | None)
pretty (bool | None)
- Return type:
- ml_datafeeds(*, datafeed_id=None, allow_no_match=None, error_trace=None, filter_path=None, format=None, h=None, help=None, human=None, pretty=None, s=None, time=None, v=None)
Get datafeeds. Returns configuration and usage information about datafeeds. This API returns a maximum of 10,000 datafeeds. If the Elasticsearch security features are enabled, you must have monitor_ml, monitor, manage_ml, or manage cluster privileges to use this API. CAT APIs are only intended for human consumption using the Kibana console or command line. They are not intended for use by applications. For application consumption, use the get datafeed statistics API.
- Parameters:
datafeed_id (str | None) – A numerical character string that uniquely identifies the datafeed.
allow_no_match (bool | None) – Specifies what to do when the request: * Contains wildcard expressions and there are no datafeeds that match. * Contains the _all string or no identifiers and there are no matches. * Contains wildcard expressions and there are only partial matches. If true, the API returns an empty datafeeds array when there are no matches and the subset of results when there are partial matches. If false, the API returns a 404 status code when there are no matches or only partial matches.
format (str | None) – Specifies the format to return the columnar data in, can be set to text, json, cbor, yaml, or smile.
h (Sequence[str | Literal['ae', 'bc', 'id', 'na', 'ne', 'ni', 'nn', 's', 'sba', 'sc', 'seah', 'st']] | str | ~typing.Literal['ae', 'bc', 'id', 'na', 'ne', 'ni', 'nn', 's', 'sba', 'sc', 'seah', 'st'] | None) – Comma-separated list of column names to display.
help (bool | None) – When set to true will output available columns. This option can’t be combined with any other query string option.
s (Sequence[str | Literal['ae', 'bc', 'id', 'na', 'ne', 'ni', 'nn', 's', 'sba', 'sc', 'seah', 'st']] | str | ~typing.Literal['ae', 'bc', 'id', 'na', 'ne', 'ni', 'nn', 's', 'sba', 'sc', 'seah', 'st'] | None) – Comma-separated list of column names or column aliases used to sort the response.
time (str | Literal['d', 'h', 'm', 'micros', 'ms', 'nanos', 's'] | None) – The unit used to display time values.
v (bool | None) – When set to true will enable verbose output.
error_trace (bool | None)
human (bool | None)
pretty (bool | None)
- Return type:
- ml_jobs(*, job_id=None, allow_no_match=None, bytes=None, error_trace=None, filter_path=None, format=None, h=None, help=None, human=None, pretty=None, s=None, time=None, v=None)
Get anomaly detection jobs. Returns configuration and usage information for anomaly detection jobs. This API returns a maximum of 10,000 jobs. If the Elasticsearch security features are enabled, you must have monitor_ml, monitor, manage_ml, or manage cluster privileges to use this API. CAT APIs are only intended for human consumption using the Kibana console or command line. They are not intended for use by applications. For application consumption, use the get anomaly detection job statistics API.
- Parameters:
job_id (str | None) – Identifier for the anomaly detection job.
allow_no_match (bool | None) – Specifies what to do when the request: * Contains wildcard expressions and there are no jobs that match. * Contains the _all string or no identifiers and there are no matches. * Contains wildcard expressions and there are only partial matches. If true, the API returns an empty jobs array when there are no matches and the subset of results when there are partial matches. If false, the API returns a 404 status code when there are no matches or only partial matches.
bytes (str | Literal['b', 'gb', 'kb', 'mb', 'pb', 'tb'] | None) – The unit used to display byte values.
format (str | None) – Specifies the format to return the columnar data in, can be set to text, json, cbor, yaml, or smile.
h (Sequence[str | Literal['assignment_explanation', 'buckets.count', 'buckets.time.exp_avg', 'buckets.time.exp_avg_hour', 'buckets.time.max', 'buckets.time.min', '', 'data.buckets', 'data.earliest_record', 'data.empty_buckets', 'data.input_bytes', 'data.input_fields', 'data.input_records', 'data.invalid_dates', 'data.last', 'data.last_empty_bucket', 'data.last_sparse_bucket', 'data.latest_record', 'data.missing_fields', 'data.out_of_order_timestamps', 'data.processed_fields', 'data.processed_records', 'data.sparse_buckets', 'forecasts.memory.avg', 'forecasts.memory.max', 'forecasts.memory.min', '', 'forecasts.records.avg', 'forecasts.records.max', 'forecasts.records.min', '', 'forecasts.time.avg', 'forecasts.time.max', 'forecasts.time.min', '', '', 'id', 'model.bucket_allocation_failures', 'model.by_fields', 'model.bytes', 'model.bytes_exceeded', 'model.categorization_status', 'model.categorized_doc_count', 'model.dead_category_count', 'model.failed_category_count', 'model.frequent_category_count', 'model.log_time', 'model.memory_limit', 'model.memory_status', 'model.over_fields', 'model.partition_fields', 'model.rare_category_count', 'model.timestamp', 'model.total_category_count', 'node.address', 'node.ephemeral_id', '', '', 'opened_time', 'state']] | str | ~typing.Literal['assignment_explanation', 'buckets.count', 'buckets.time.exp_avg', 'buckets.time.exp_avg_hour', 'buckets.time.max', 'buckets.time.min', '', 'data.buckets', 'data.earliest_record', 'data.empty_buckets', 'data.input_bytes', 'data.input_fields', 'data.input_records', 'data.invalid_dates', 'data.last', 'data.last_empty_bucket', 'data.last_sparse_bucket', 'data.latest_record', 'data.missing_fields', 'data.out_of_order_timestamps', 'data.processed_fields', 'data.processed_records', 'data.sparse_buckets', 'forecasts.memory.avg', 'forecasts.memory.max', 'forecasts.memory.min', '', 'forecasts.records.avg', 'forecasts.records.max', 'forecasts.records.min', '', 'forecasts.time.avg', 'forecasts.time.max', 'forecasts.time.min', '', '', 'id', 'model.bucket_allocation_failures', 'model.by_fields', 'model.bytes', 'model.bytes_exceeded', 'model.categorization_status', 'model.categorized_doc_count', 'model.dead_category_count', 'model.failed_category_count', 'model.frequent_category_count', 'model.log_time', 'model.memory_limit', 'model.memory_status', 'model.over_fields', 'model.partition_fields', 'model.rare_category_count', 'model.timestamp', 'model.total_category_count', 'node.address', 'node.ephemeral_id', '', '', 'opened_time', 'state'] | None) – Comma-separated list of column names to display.
help (bool | None) – When set to true will output available columns. This option can’t be combined with any other query string option.
s (Sequence[str | Literal['assignment_explanation', 'buckets.count', 'buckets.time.exp_avg', 'buckets.time.exp_avg_hour', 'buckets.time.max', 'buckets.time.min', '', 'data.buckets', 'data.earliest_record', 'data.empty_buckets', 'data.input_bytes', 'data.input_fields', 'data.input_records', 'data.invalid_dates', 'data.last', 'data.last_empty_bucket', 'data.last_sparse_bucket', 'data.latest_record', 'data.missing_fields', 'data.out_of_order_timestamps', 'data.processed_fields', 'data.processed_records', 'data.sparse_buckets', 'forecasts.memory.avg', 'forecasts.memory.max', 'forecasts.memory.min', '', 'forecasts.records.avg', 'forecasts.records.max', 'forecasts.records.min', '', 'forecasts.time.avg', 'forecasts.time.max', 'forecasts.time.min', '', '', 'id', 'model.bucket_allocation_failures', 'model.by_fields', 'model.bytes', 'model.bytes_exceeded', 'model.categorization_status', 'model.categorized_doc_count', 'model.dead_category_count', 'model.failed_category_count', 'model.frequent_category_count', 'model.log_time', 'model.memory_limit', 'model.memory_status', 'model.over_fields', 'model.partition_fields', 'model.rare_category_count', 'model.timestamp', 'model.total_category_count', 'node.address', 'node.ephemeral_id', '', '', 'opened_time', 'state']] | str | ~typing.Literal['assignment_explanation', 'buckets.count', 'buckets.time.exp_avg', 'buckets.time.exp_avg_hour', 'buckets.time.max', 'buckets.time.min', '', 'data.buckets', 'data.earliest_record', 'data.empty_buckets', 'data.input_bytes', 'data.input_fields', 'data.input_records', 'data.invalid_dates', 'data.last', 'data.last_empty_bucket', 'data.last_sparse_bucket', 'data.latest_record', 'data.missing_fields', 'data.out_of_order_timestamps', 'data.processed_fields', 'data.processed_records', 'data.sparse_buckets', 'forecasts.memory.avg', 'forecasts.memory.max', 'forecasts.memory.min', '', 'forecasts.records.avg', 'forecasts.records.max', 'forecasts.records.min', '', 'forecasts.time.avg', 'forecasts.time.max', 'forecasts.time.min', '', '', 'id', 'model.bucket_allocation_failures', 'model.by_fields', 'model.bytes', 'model.bytes_exceeded', 'model.categorization_status', 'model.categorized_doc_count', 'model.dead_category_count', 'model.failed_category_count', 'model.frequent_category_count', 'model.log_time', 'model.memory_limit', 'model.memory_status', 'model.over_fields', 'model.partition_fields', 'model.rare_category_count', 'model.timestamp', 'model.total_category_count', 'node.address', 'node.ephemeral_id', '', '', 'opened_time', 'state'] | None) – Comma-separated list of column names or column aliases used to sort the response.
time (str | Literal['d', 'h', 'm', 'micros', 'ms', 'nanos', 's'] | None) – The unit used to display time values.
v (bool | None) – When set to true will enable verbose output.
error_trace (bool | None)
human (bool | None)
pretty (bool | None)
- Return type:
- ml_trained_models(*, model_id=None, allow_no_match=None, bytes=None, error_trace=None, filter_path=None, format=None, from_=None, h=None, help=None, human=None, pretty=None, s=None, size=None, time=None, v=None)
Get trained models. Returns configuration and usage information about inference trained models. CAT APIs are only intended for human consumption using the Kibana console or command line. They are not intended for use by applications. For application consumption, use the get trained models statistics API.
- Parameters:
model_id (str | None) – A unique identifier for the trained model.
allow_no_match (bool | None) – Specifies what to do when the request: contains wildcard expressions and there are no models that match; contains the _all string or no identifiers and there are no matches; contains wildcard expressions and there are only partial matches. If true, the API returns an empty array when there are no matches and the subset of results when there are partial matches. If false, the API returns a 404 status code when there are no matches or only partial matches.
bytes (str | Literal['b', 'gb', 'kb', 'mb', 'pb', 'tb'] | None) – The unit used to display byte values.
format (str | None) – Specifies the format to return the columnar data in, can be set to text, json, cbor, yaml, or smile.
from – Skips the specified number of transforms.
h (Sequence[str | Literal['create_time', 'created_by', 'data_frame_analytics_id', 'description', 'heap_size', 'id', 'ingest.count', 'ingest.current', 'ingest.failed', 'ingest.pipelines', 'ingest.time', 'license', 'operations', 'version']] | str | ~typing.Literal['create_time', 'created_by', 'data_frame_analytics_id', 'description', 'heap_size', 'id', 'ingest.count', 'ingest.current', 'ingest.failed', 'ingest.pipelines', 'ingest.time', 'license', 'operations', 'version'] | None) – A comma-separated list of column names to display.
help (bool | None) – When set to true will output available columns. This option can’t be combined with any other query string option.
s (Sequence[str | Literal['create_time', 'created_by', 'data_frame_analytics_id', 'description', 'heap_size', 'id', 'ingest.count', 'ingest.current', 'ingest.failed', 'ingest.pipelines', 'ingest.time', 'license', 'operations', 'version']] | str | ~typing.Literal['create_time', 'created_by', 'data_frame_analytics_id', 'description', 'heap_size', 'id', 'ingest.count', 'ingest.current', 'ingest.failed', 'ingest.pipelines', 'ingest.time', 'license', 'operations', 'version'] | None) – A comma-separated list of column names or aliases used to sort the response.
size (int | None) – The maximum number of transforms to display.
time (str | Literal['d', 'h', 'm', 'micros', 'ms', 'nanos', 's'] | None) – Unit used to display time values.
v (bool | None) – When set to true will enable verbose output.
error_trace (bool | None)
from_ (int | None)
human (bool | None)
pretty (bool | None)
- Return type:
- nodeattrs(*, error_trace=None, filter_path=None, format=None, h=None, help=None, human=None, local=None, master_timeout=None, pretty=None, s=None, v=None)
Returns information about custom node attributes. IMPORTANT: cat APIs are only intended for human consumption using the command line or Kibana console. They are not intended for use by applications. For application consumption, use the nodes info API.
- Parameters:
format (str | None) – Specifies the format to return the columnar data in, can be set to text, json, cbor, yaml, or smile.
h (str | Sequence[str] | None) – List of columns to appear in the response. Supports simple wildcards.
help (bool | None) – When set to true will output available columns. This option can’t be combined with any other query string option.
local (bool | None) – If true, the request computes the list of selected nodes from the local cluster state. If false the list of selected nodes are computed from the cluster state of the master node. In both cases the coordinating node will send requests for further information to each selected node.
master_timeout (str | Literal[-1] | ~typing.Literal[0] | None) – Period to wait for a connection to the master node.
s (str | Sequence[str] | None) – List of columns that determine how the table should be sorted. Sorting defaults to ascending and can be changed by setting :asc or :desc as a suffix to the column name.
v (bool | None) – When set to true will enable verbose output.
error_trace (bool | None)
human (bool | None)
pretty (bool | None)
- Return type:
- nodes(*, bytes=None, error_trace=None, filter_path=None, format=None, full_id=None, h=None, help=None, human=None, include_unloaded_segments=None, master_timeout=None, pretty=None, s=None, time=None, v=None)
Returns information about the nodes in a cluster. IMPORTANT: cat APIs are only intended for human consumption using the command line or Kibana console. They are not intended for use by applications. For application consumption, use the nodes info API.
- Parameters:
bytes (str | Literal['b', 'gb', 'kb', 'mb', 'pb', 'tb'] | None) – The unit used to display byte values.
format (str | None) – Specifies the format to return the columnar data in, can be set to text, json, cbor, yaml, or smile.
full_id (bool | str | None) – If true, return the full node ID. If false, return the shortened node ID.
h (str | Sequence[str] | None) – List of columns to appear in the response. Supports simple wildcards.
help (bool | None) – When set to true will output available columns. This option can’t be combined with any other query string option.
include_unloaded_segments (bool | None) – If true, the response includes information from segments that are not loaded into memory.
master_timeout (str | Literal[-1] | ~typing.Literal[0] | None) – Period to wait for a connection to the master node.
s (str | Sequence[str] | None) – List of columns that determine how the table should be sorted. Sorting defaults to ascending and can be changed by setting :asc or :desc as a suffix to the column name.
time (str | Literal['d', 'h', 'm', 'micros', 'ms', 'nanos', 's'] | None) – Unit used to display time values.
v (bool | None) – When set to true will enable verbose output.
error_trace (bool | None)
human (bool | None)
pretty (bool | None)
- Return type:
- pending_tasks(*, error_trace=None, filter_path=None, format=None, h=None, help=None, human=None, local=None, master_timeout=None, pretty=None, s=None, time=None, v=None)
Returns cluster-level changes that have not yet been executed. IMPORTANT: cat APIs are only intended for human consumption using the command line or Kibana console. They are not intended for use by applications. For application consumption, use the pending cluster tasks API.
- Parameters:
format (str | None) – Specifies the format to return the columnar data in, can be set to text, json, cbor, yaml, or smile.
h (str | Sequence[str] | None) – List of columns to appear in the response. Supports simple wildcards.
help (bool | None) – When set to true will output available columns. This option can’t be combined with any other query string option.
local (bool | None) – If true, the request computes the list of selected nodes from the local cluster state. If false the list of selected nodes are computed from the cluster state of the master node. In both cases the coordinating node will send requests for further information to each selected node.
master_timeout (str | Literal[-1] | ~typing.Literal[0] | None) – Period to wait for a connection to the master node.
s (str | Sequence[str] | None) – List of columns that determine how the table should be sorted. Sorting defaults to ascending and can be changed by setting :asc or :desc as a suffix to the column name.
time (str | Literal['d', 'h', 'm', 'micros', 'ms', 'nanos', 's'] | None) – Unit used to display time values.
v (bool | None) – When set to true will enable verbose output.
error_trace (bool | None)
human (bool | None)
pretty (bool | None)
- Return type:
- plugins(*, error_trace=None, filter_path=None, format=None, h=None, help=None, human=None, include_bootstrap=None, local=None, master_timeout=None, pretty=None, s=None, v=None)
Returns a list of plugins running on each node of a cluster. IMPORTANT: cat APIs are only intended for human consumption using the command line or Kibana console. They are not intended for use by applications. For application consumption, use the nodes info API.
- Parameters:
format (str | None) – Specifies the format to return the columnar data in, can be set to text, json, cbor, yaml, or smile.
h (str | Sequence[str] | None) – List of columns to appear in the response. Supports simple wildcards.
help (bool | None) – When set to true will output available columns. This option can’t be combined with any other query string option.
include_bootstrap (bool | None) – Include bootstrap plugins in the response
local (bool | None) – If true, the request computes the list of selected nodes from the local cluster state. If false the list of selected nodes are computed from the cluster state of the master node. In both cases the coordinating node will send requests for further information to each selected node.
master_timeout (str | Literal[-1] | ~typing.Literal[0] | None) – Period to wait for a connection to the master node.
s (str | Sequence[str] | None) – List of columns that determine how the table should be sorted. Sorting defaults to ascending and can be changed by setting :asc or :desc as a suffix to the column name.
v (bool | None) – When set to true will enable verbose output.
error_trace (bool | None)
human (bool | None)
pretty (bool | None)
- Return type:
- recovery(*, index=None, active_only=None, bytes=None, detailed=None, error_trace=None, filter_path=None, format=None, h=None, help=None, human=None, pretty=None, s=None, time=None, v=None)
Returns information about ongoing and completed shard recoveries. Shard recovery is the process of initializing a shard copy, such as restoring a primary shard from a snapshot or syncing a replica shard from a primary shard. When a shard recovery completes, the recovered shard is available for search and indexing. For data streams, the API returns information about the stream’s backing indices. IMPORTANT: cat APIs are only intended for human consumption using the command line or Kibana console. They are not intended for use by applications. For application consumption, use the index recovery API.
- Parameters:
index (str | Sequence[str] | None) – A comma-separated list of data streams, indices, and aliases used to limit the request. Supports wildcards (*). To target all data streams and indices, omit this parameter or use * or _all.
active_only (bool | None) – If true, the response only includes ongoing shard recoveries.
bytes (str | Literal['b', 'gb', 'kb', 'mb', 'pb', 'tb'] | None) – The unit used to display byte values.
detailed (bool | None) – If true, the response includes detailed information about shard recoveries.
format (str | None) – Specifies the format to return the columnar data in, can be set to text, json, cbor, yaml, or smile.
h (str | Sequence[str] | None) – List of columns to appear in the response. Supports simple wildcards.
help (bool | None) – When set to true will output available columns. This option can’t be combined with any other query string option.
s (str | Sequence[str] | None) – List of columns that determine how the table should be sorted. Sorting defaults to ascending and can be changed by setting :asc or :desc as a suffix to the column name.
time (str | Literal['d', 'h', 'm', 'micros', 'ms', 'nanos', 's'] | None) – Unit used to display time values.
v (bool | None) – When set to true will enable verbose output.
error_trace (bool | None)
human (bool | None)
pretty (bool | None)
- Return type:
- repositories(*, error_trace=None, filter_path=None, format=None, h=None, help=None, human=None, local=None, master_timeout=None, pretty=None, s=None, v=None)
Returns the snapshot repositories for a cluster. IMPORTANT: cat APIs are only intended for human consumption using the command line or Kibana console. They are not intended for use by applications. For application consumption, use the get snapshot repository API.
- Parameters:
format (str | None) – Specifies the format to return the columnar data in, can be set to text, json, cbor, yaml, or smile.
h (str | Sequence[str] | None) – List of columns to appear in the response. Supports simple wildcards.
help (bool | None) – When set to true will output available columns. This option can’t be combined with any other query string option.
local (bool | None) – If true, the request computes the list of selected nodes from the local cluster state. If false the list of selected nodes are computed from the cluster state of the master node. In both cases the coordinating node will send requests for further information to each selected node.
master_timeout (str | Literal[-1] | ~typing.Literal[0] | None) – Period to wait for a connection to the master node.
s (str | Sequence[str] | None) – List of columns that determine how the table should be sorted. Sorting defaults to ascending and can be changed by setting :asc or :desc as a suffix to the column name.
v (bool | None) – When set to true will enable verbose output.
error_trace (bool | None)
human (bool | None)
pretty (bool | None)
- Return type:
- segments(*, index=None, bytes=None, error_trace=None, filter_path=None, format=None, h=None, help=None, human=None, local=None, master_timeout=None, pretty=None, s=None, v=None)
Returns low-level information about the Lucene segments in index shards. For data streams, the API returns information about the backing indices. IMPORTANT: cat APIs are only intended for human consumption using the command line or Kibana console. They are not intended for use by applications. For application consumption, use the index segments API.
- Parameters:
index (str | Sequence[str] | None) – A comma-separated list of data streams, indices, and aliases used to limit the request. Supports wildcards (*). To target all data streams and indices, omit this parameter or use * or _all.
bytes (str | Literal['b', 'gb', 'kb', 'mb', 'pb', 'tb'] | None) – The unit used to display byte values.
format (str | None) – Specifies the format to return the columnar data in, can be set to text, json, cbor, yaml, or smile.
h (str | Sequence[str] | None) – List of columns to appear in the response. Supports simple wildcards.
help (bool | None) – When set to true will output available columns. This option can’t be combined with any other query string option.
local (bool | None) – If true, the request computes the list of selected nodes from the local cluster state. If false the list of selected nodes are computed from the cluster state of the master node. In both cases the coordinating node will send requests for further information to each selected node.
master_timeout (str | Literal[-1] | ~typing.Literal[0] | None) – Period to wait for a connection to the master node.
s (str | Sequence[str] | None) – List of columns that determine how the table should be sorted. Sorting defaults to ascending and can be changed by setting :asc or :desc as a suffix to the column name.
v (bool | None) – When set to true will enable verbose output.
error_trace (bool | None)
human (bool | None)
pretty (bool | None)
- Return type:
- shards(*, index=None, bytes=None, error_trace=None, filter_path=None, format=None, h=None, help=None, human=None, master_timeout=None, pretty=None, s=None, time=None, v=None)
Returns information about the shards in a cluster. For data streams, the API returns information about the backing indices. IMPORTANT: cat APIs are only intended for human consumption using the command line or Kibana console. They are not intended for use by applications.
- Parameters:
index (str | Sequence[str] | None) – A comma-separated list of data streams, indices, and aliases used to limit the request. Supports wildcards (*). To target all data streams and indices, omit this parameter or use * or _all.
bytes (str | Literal['b', 'gb', 'kb', 'mb', 'pb', 'tb'] | None) – The unit used to display byte values.
format (str | None) – Specifies the format to return the columnar data in, can be set to text, json, cbor, yaml, or smile.
h (str | Sequence[str] | None) – List of columns to appear in the response. Supports simple wildcards.
help (bool | None) – When set to true will output available columns. This option can’t be combined with any other query string option.
master_timeout (str | Literal[-1] | ~typing.Literal[0] | None) – Period to wait for a connection to the master node.
s (str | Sequence[str] | None) – List of columns that determine how the table should be sorted. Sorting defaults to ascending and can be changed by setting :asc or :desc as a suffix to the column name.
time (str | Literal['d', 'h', 'm', 'micros', 'ms', 'nanos', 's'] | None) – Unit used to display time values.
v (bool | None) – When set to true will enable verbose output.
error_trace (bool | None)
human (bool | None)
pretty (bool | None)
- Return type:
- snapshots(*, repository=None, error_trace=None, filter_path=None, format=None, h=None, help=None, human=None, ignore_unavailable=None, master_timeout=None, pretty=None, s=None, time=None, v=None)
Returns information about the snapshots stored in one or more repositories. A snapshot is a backup of an index or running Elasticsearch cluster. IMPORTANT: cat APIs are only intended for human consumption using the command line or Kibana console. They are not intended for use by applications. For application consumption, use the get snapshot API.
- Parameters:
repository (str | Sequence[str] | None) – A comma-separated list of snapshot repositories used to limit the request. Accepts wildcard expressions. _all returns all repositories. If any repository fails during the request, Elasticsearch returns an error.
format (str | None) – Specifies the format to return the columnar data in, can be set to text, json, cbor, yaml, or smile.
h (str | Sequence[str] | None) – List of columns to appear in the response. Supports simple wildcards.
help (bool | None) – When set to true will output available columns. This option can’t be combined with any other query string option.
ignore_unavailable (bool | None) – If true, the response does not include information from unavailable snapshots.
master_timeout (str | Literal[-1] | ~typing.Literal[0] | None) – Period to wait for a connection to the master node.
s (str | Sequence[str] | None) – List of columns that determine how the table should be sorted. Sorting defaults to ascending and can be changed by setting :asc or :desc as a suffix to the column name.
time (str | Literal['d', 'h', 'm', 'micros', 'ms', 'nanos', 's'] | None) – Unit used to display time values.
v (bool | None) – When set to true will enable verbose output.
error_trace (bool | None)
human (bool | None)
pretty (bool | None)
- Return type:
- tasks(*, actions=None, detailed=None, error_trace=None, filter_path=None, format=None, h=None, help=None, human=None, nodes=None, parent_task_id=None, pretty=None, s=None, time=None, timeout=None, v=None, wait_for_completion=None)
Returns information about tasks currently executing in the cluster. IMPORTANT: cat APIs are only intended for human consumption using the command line or Kibana console. They are not intended for use by applications. For application consumption, use the task management API.
- Parameters:
actions (Sequence[str] | None) – The task action names, which are used to limit the response.
detailed (bool | None) – If true, the response includes detailed information about shard recoveries.
format (str | None) – Specifies the format to return the columnar data in, can be set to text, json, cbor, yaml, or smile.
h (str | Sequence[str] | None) – List of columns to appear in the response. Supports simple wildcards.
help (bool | None) – When set to true will output available columns. This option can’t be combined with any other query string option.
nodes (Sequence[str] | None) – Unique node identifiers, which are used to limit the response.
parent_task_id (str | None) – The parent task identifier, which is used to limit the response.
s (str | Sequence[str] | None) – List of columns that determine how the table should be sorted. Sorting defaults to ascending and can be changed by setting :asc or :desc as a suffix to the column name.
time (str | Literal['d', 'h', 'm', 'micros', 'ms', 'nanos', 's'] | None) – Unit used to display time values.
timeout (str | Literal[-1] | ~typing.Literal[0] | None) – Period to wait for a response. If no response is received before the timeout expires, the request fails and returns an error.
v (bool | None) – When set to true will enable verbose output.
wait_for_completion (bool | None) – If true, the request blocks until the task has completed.
error_trace (bool | None)
human (bool | None)
pretty (bool | None)
- Return type:
- templates(*, name=None, error_trace=None, filter_path=None, format=None, h=None, help=None, human=None, local=None, master_timeout=None, pretty=None, s=None, v=None)
Returns information about index templates in a cluster. You can use index templates to apply index settings and field mappings to new indices at creation. IMPORTANT: cat APIs are only intended for human consumption using the command line or Kibana console. They are not intended for use by applications. For application consumption, use the get index template API.
- Parameters:
name (str | None) – The name of the template to return. Accepts wildcard expressions. If omitted, all templates are returned.
format (str | None) – Specifies the format to return the columnar data in, can be set to text, json, cbor, yaml, or smile.
h (str | Sequence[str] | None) – List of columns to appear in the response. Supports simple wildcards.
help (bool | None) – When set to true will output available columns. This option can’t be combined with any other query string option.
local (bool | None) – If true, the request computes the list of selected nodes from the local cluster state. If false the list of selected nodes are computed from the cluster state of the master node. In both cases the coordinating node will send requests for further information to each selected node.
master_timeout (str | Literal[-1] | ~typing.Literal[0] | None) – Period to wait for a connection to the master node.
s (str | Sequence[str] | None) – List of columns that determine how the table should be sorted. Sorting defaults to ascending and can be changed by setting :asc or :desc as a suffix to the column name.
v (bool | None) – When set to true will enable verbose output.
error_trace (bool | None)
human (bool | None)
pretty (bool | None)
- Return type:
- thread_pool(*, thread_pool_patterns=None, error_trace=None, filter_path=None, format=None, h=None, help=None, human=None, local=None, master_timeout=None, pretty=None, s=None, time=None, v=None)
Returns thread pool statistics for each node in a cluster. Returned information includes all built-in thread pools and custom thread pools. IMPORTANT: cat APIs are only intended for human consumption using the command line or Kibana console. They are not intended for use by applications. For application consumption, use the nodes info API.
- Parameters:
thread_pool_patterns (str | Sequence[str] | None) – A comma-separated list of thread pool names used to limit the request. Accepts wildcard expressions.
format (str | None) – Specifies the format to return the columnar data in, can be set to text, json, cbor, yaml, or smile.
h (str | Sequence[str] | None) – List of columns to appear in the response. Supports simple wildcards.
help (bool | None) – When set to true will output available columns. This option can’t be combined with any other query string option.
local (bool | None) – If true, the request computes the list of selected nodes from the local cluster state. If false the list of selected nodes are computed from the cluster state of the master node. In both cases the coordinating node will send requests for further information to each selected node.
master_timeout (str | Literal[-1] | ~typing.Literal[0] | None) – Period to wait for a connection to the master node.
s (str | Sequence[str] | None) – List of columns that determine how the table should be sorted. Sorting defaults to ascending and can be changed by setting :asc or :desc as a suffix to the column name.
time (str | Literal['d', 'h', 'm', 'micros', 'ms', 'nanos', 's'] | None) – The unit used to display time values.
v (bool | None) – When set to true will enable verbose output.
error_trace (bool | None)
human (bool | None)
pretty (bool | None)
- Return type:
- transforms(*, transform_id=None, allow_no_match=None, error_trace=None, filter_path=None, format=None, from_=None, h=None, help=None, human=None, pretty=None, s=None, size=None, time=None, v=None)
Get transforms. Returns configuration and usage information about transforms. CAT APIs are only intended for human consumption using the Kibana console or command line. They are not intended for use by applications. For application consumption, use the get transform statistics API.
- Parameters:
transform_id (str | None) – A transform identifier or a wildcard expression. If you do not specify one of these options, the API returns information for all transforms.
allow_no_match (bool | None) – Specifies what to do when the request: contains wildcard expressions and there are no transforms that match; contains the _all string or no identifiers and there are no matches; contains wildcard expressions and there are only partial matches. If true, it returns an empty transforms array when there are no matches and the subset of results when there are partial matches. If false, the request returns a 404 status code when there are no matches or only partial matches.
format (str | None) – Specifies the format to return the columnar data in, can be set to text, json, cbor, yaml, or smile.
from – Skips the specified number of transforms.
h (Sequence[str | Literal['changes_last_detection_time', 'checkpoint', 'checkpoint_duration_time_exp_avg', 'checkpoint_progress', 'create_time', 'delete_time', 'description', 'dest_index', 'docs_per_second', 'documents_deleted', 'documents_indexed', 'documents_processed', 'frequency', 'id', 'index_failure', 'index_time', 'index_total', 'indexed_documents_exp_avg', 'last_search_time', 'max_page_search_size', 'pages_processed', 'pipeline', 'processed_documents_exp_avg', 'processing_time', 'reason', 'search_failure', 'search_time', 'search_total', 'source_index', 'state', 'transform_type', 'trigger_count', 'version']] | str | ~typing.Literal['changes_last_detection_time', 'checkpoint', 'checkpoint_duration_time_exp_avg', 'checkpoint_progress', 'create_time', 'delete_time', 'description', 'dest_index', 'docs_per_second', 'documents_deleted', 'documents_indexed', 'documents_processed', 'frequency', 'id', 'index_failure', 'index_time', 'index_total', 'indexed_documents_exp_avg', 'last_search_time', 'max_page_search_size', 'pages_processed', 'pipeline', 'processed_documents_exp_avg', 'processing_time', 'reason', 'search_failure', 'search_time', 'search_total', 'source_index', 'state', 'transform_type', 'trigger_count', 'version'] | None) – Comma-separated list of column names to display.
help (bool | None) – When set to true will output available columns. This option can’t be combined with any other query string option.
s (Sequence[str | Literal['changes_last_detection_time', 'checkpoint', 'checkpoint_duration_time_exp_avg', 'checkpoint_progress', 'create_time', 'delete_time', 'description', 'dest_index', 'docs_per_second', 'documents_deleted', 'documents_indexed', 'documents_processed', 'frequency', 'id', 'index_failure', 'index_time', 'index_total', 'indexed_documents_exp_avg', 'last_search_time', 'max_page_search_size', 'pages_processed', 'pipeline', 'processed_documents_exp_avg', 'processing_time', 'reason', 'search_failure', 'search_time', 'search_total', 'source_index', 'state', 'transform_type', 'trigger_count', 'version']] | str | ~typing.Literal['changes_last_detection_time', 'checkpoint', 'checkpoint_duration_time_exp_avg', 'checkpoint_progress', 'create_time', 'delete_time', 'description', 'dest_index', 'docs_per_second', 'documents_deleted', 'documents_indexed', 'documents_processed', 'frequency', 'id', 'index_failure', 'index_time', 'index_total', 'indexed_documents_exp_avg', 'last_search_time', 'max_page_search_size', 'pages_processed', 'pipeline', 'processed_documents_exp_avg', 'processing_time', 'reason', 'search_failure', 'search_time', 'search_total', 'source_index', 'state', 'transform_type', 'trigger_count', 'version'] | None) – Comma-separated list of column names or column aliases used to sort the response.
size (int | None) – The maximum number of transforms to obtain.
time (str | Literal['d', 'h', 'm', 'micros', 'ms', 'nanos', 's'] | None) – The unit used to display time values.
v (bool | None) – When set to true will enable verbose output.
error_trace (bool | None)
from_ (int | None)
human (bool | None)
pretty (bool | None)
- Return type: