
0.4.6 (dev)

0.4.5 (2014-02-11)

  • get_alias now has name as another optional parameter due to issue #4539 in es repo. Note that the order of params have changed so if you are not using keyword arguments this is a breaking change.

0.4.4 (2013-12-23)

  • helpers.bulk_index renamed to helpers.bulk (alias put in place for backwards compatibility, to be removed in future versions)
  • Added helpers.streaming_bulk to consume an iterator and yield results per operation
  • helpers.bulk and helpers.streaming_bulk are no longer limitted to just index operations.
  • unicode body (for incices.analyze for example) is now handled correctly
  • changed perform_request on Connection classes to return headers as well. This is a backwards incompatible change for people who have developed their own connection class.
  • changed deserialization mechanics. Users who provided their own serializer that didn’t extend JSONSerializer need to specify a mimetype class attribute.
  • minor bug fixes

0.4.3 (2013-10-22)

  • Fixes to helpers.bulk_index, better error handling
  • More benevolent hosts argument parsing for Elasticsearch
  • requests no longer required (nor recommended) for install

0.4.2 (2013-10-08)

  • ignore param acceted by all APIs
  • Fixes to helpers.bulk_index

0.4.1 (2013-09-24)

Initial release.