.. _helpers: Helpers ======= Collection of simple helper functions that abstract some specifics of the raw API. Bulk helpers ------------ There are several helpers for the ``bulk`` API since its requirement for specific formatting and other considerations can make it cumbersome if used directly. All bulk helpers accept an instance of ``Elasticsearch`` class and an iterable ``actions`` (any iterable, can also be a generator, which is ideal in most cases since it will allow you to index large datasets without the need of loading them into memory). The items in the ``action`` iterable should be the documents we wish to index in several formats. The most common one is the same as returned by :meth:`~elasticsearch.Elasticsearch.search`, for example: .. code:: python { '_index': 'index-name', '_id': 42, '_routing': 5, 'pipeline': 'my-ingest-pipeline', '_source': { "title": "Hello World!", "body": "..." } } Alternatively, if `_source` is not present, it will pop all metadata fields from the doc and use the rest as the document data: .. code:: python { "_id": 42, "_routing": 5, "title": "Hello World!", "body": "..." } The :meth:`~elasticsearch.Elasticsearch.bulk` api accepts ``index``, ``create``, ``delete``, and ``update`` actions. Use the ``_op_type`` field to specify an action (``_op_type`` defaults to ``index``): .. code:: python { '_op_type': 'delete', '_index': 'index-name', '_id': 42, } { '_op_type': 'update', '_index': 'index-name', '_id': 42, 'doc': {'question': 'The life, universe and everything.'} } Example: ~~~~~~~~ Lets say we have an iterable of data. Lets say a list of words called ``mywords`` and we want to index those words into individual documents where the structure of the document is like ``{"word": ""}``. .. code:: python def gendata(): mywords = ['foo', 'bar', 'baz'] for word in mywords: yield { "_index": "mywords", "word": word, } bulk(es, gendata()) For a more complete and complex example please take a look at https://github.com/elastic/elasticsearch-py/blob/main/examples/bulk-ingest The :meth:`~elasticsearch.Elasticsearch.parallel_bulk` api is a wrapper around the :meth:`~elasticsearch.Elasticsearch.bulk` api to provide threading. :meth:`~elasticsearch.Elasticsearch.parallel_bulk` returns a generator which must be consumed to produce results. To see the results use: .. code:: python for success, info in parallel_bulk(...): if not success: print('A document failed:', info) If you don't care about the results, you can use deque from collections: .. code:: python from collections import deque deque(parallel_bulk(...), maxlen=0) .. note:: When reading raw json strings from a file, you can also pass them in directly (without decoding to dicts first). In that case, however, you lose the ability to specify anything (index, op_type and even id) on a per-record basis, all documents will just be sent to elasticsearch to be indexed as-is. .. py:module:: elasticsearch.helpers .. autofunction:: streaming_bulk .. autofunction:: parallel_bulk .. autofunction:: bulk Scan ---- .. autofunction:: scan Reindex ------- .. autofunction:: reindex